Last updated on January 7th, 2025 at 04:36 pm
EPAP stands for Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure and is a treatment best suited for mild to moderate Sleep Apnoea.
How does EPAP relate to the Provent Sleep Therapy Kit?
EPAP is a disposable one-way resister valve worn over the nostrils that creates pressure when you exhale to keep your airway open. It works in a similar way to CPAP, but EPAP only provides minimal resistance when inhaling and pressure when exhaling. This opens the airway making it less likely to collapse and stop you from breathing during sleep.
The Provent Sleep Therapy Kit is an effective, treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). This discreet, disposable device is applied to the nostrils at night to open the airways. When inhaling the valve opens to make breahing easier, when exhaling the valve closes and air going through the nose is directed through a smaller air channel . This increase the aiway pressure to keep the airway open until the next inhalation.
If you are concerned that you have some form of OSA
View our Free OSA Risk Assessment
This simple multiple-choice questionnaire determines your risk of suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). You will also access a discount code for our In-Home Sleep Test when you complete the questionnaire.
Home Sleep Apnoea Test
The test monitors your heart rate, snoring intensity, blood oxygen levels, body positioning, and more, providing accuracy comparable to testing used in sleep clinics for in-depth sleep analysis.
The simple-to-use test takes just one night to complete, and results are returned within two working days after completion.
Our experienced NHS-qualified sleep professionals independently analyse all studies, providing follow-up advice and support.
EPAP as an Alternative Treatment for OSA
The Provent Sleep Therapy Starter Kit is a non-invasive treatment involving a nasal device worn while you sleep.
Secured using a hypoallergenic adhesive, the nasal device is designed with a valve that allows air into the airways on inhalation. When exhaling, the valve closes, and the air is re-directed through small holes. This helps increase and maintain pressure in the airways, keeping them free from blocking before the next inhalation.
The nasal device in this kit is discreet and can help you feel less self-conscious compared to CPAP treatments. Its small size makes it easy to transport when away from home.
This device does not require electricity, so it’s convenient when going on holiday or off-grid. You will receive individually pouched devices, each disposed of after single use.
EPAP Therapy vs CPAP Therapy
The method used by the Provent sleep therapy starter kit is known as Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP). Let’s compare this method with the traditional CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy.
CPAP therapy involves a mask worn over the nose or mouth when sleeping. This is attached to a machine that supplies air pressure through the mask to the airways to prevent them from blocking. Most modern CPAP machines also come with a humidifier that helps prevent issues such as a dry mouth and nose, sinus congestion and coughing due to a dry throat.
CPAP therapy provides positive pressure to the airways while you sleep, both when you inhale and exhale. However, some users find it challenging to adapt to the pressure of the air forced through the mask and may see themselves exhaling against the pressure of the air.
The Provent nasal device uses your breathing to control the air pressure. The device’s valve opens on inhalation and closes on exhalation, using your breathing to increase pressure to the airways on exhalation only.
Patients may find this easier to use compared to a CPAP machine. The starter kit includes nasal devices with reduced resistance which will help adjust to the therapy.
Commit to the Treatment
Perseverance with OSA treatment is critical to reducing symptoms which cause the sleep disorder. When OSA is undiagnosed – and untreated – there is a risk of severe health conditions, including:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Stroke
- Liver damage
- Depression
- Pregnancy complications
Also, the constant fatigue from interrupted sleep can have dire consequences at home and work.
- Statistics indicate that OSA sufferers are at three times higher risk of an occupational accident.
- You are at higher risk of falling asleep at the wheel due to poor concentration when operating machinery.
By working with your sleep doctor, you can get the appropriate treatment. By keeping your airways clear of blockage, you can have uninterrupted nights of sleep, reduced fatigue, improved concentration levels, increased alertness, less associated irritability and reduced snoring.
The most important thing is to use your OSA therapy regularly, as you will only reduce the OSA symptoms by applying it on a nightly basis.
Plus, If you cannot use your CPAP therapy machine regularly for whatever reason, then the Provent Sleep Therapy starter kit may be the right solution. The nasal device in the Provent sleep therapy kit offers an alternative to CPAP therapy; talk to your doctor for guidance and advice.